Akina Connect

How Do We Cultivate Gratitude with our Kids?

Have you ever told someone exactly what you wanted for Christmas? Like you sent them pictures, your size, maybe you even sent the direct link to buy it? Then when Christmas rolled around and you opened up your gift that you were absolutely positive was the thing you wanted you were stunned to find something completely different? We as adults have mastered the art (for the most part) of finding a way to say thank you because we know that even though we didn't get the thing we wanted (even if we made it really easy for them) it was still a gift. Children do not come with said skill. Today Charisse shares how you can help guide your children through getting gifts that they do not want, and how to share gratitude all season long. Plus, you all have been asking and Charisse has got you... Santa🎅🏿. What to do about the magic of 🎅🏿Santa🎅🏿! (You all know what we mean )
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